Develop a forgiving heart

February 16, 2016

First reading: IS 55:10-11 Responsorial Psalm:  PS 34:4-5, 6-7, 18-19 Gospel: MT 6:7-15

Develop a forgiving heart

“They who forgive most, shall be most forgiven” William Blake

Jesus teach  his disciple how to pray, given to them a formula, in which we firstly acknowledge God as a supreme being, and we shall talk about the last aspect, “forgive us our trespass sin as we forgive those who sin against us” Christians must have a forgiving heart, disease from keeping malice against one another, you must keep your heart free to everyone, and when they offended you, try to forgive and forget all, by doing so we are atoning for our own sin, because we can’t do without offending God, and we keep on praying that he should forgive us all our sin, in the same way if we forgive and forget the wrong that other done to us, God will also forgive us our own sin as well, as he has taught us today in the Gospel reading and none of his world will go back without fulfill the purpose which God sent it.

Prayer Point:     God give me a forgiving and forgetting heart, when people offend me


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