March 21, 2016

First reading: IS 42:1-7 Responsorial Psalm: PS 27:1, 2,
3, 13-14 Gospel: JN 12:1-11


“When you fail to praise him he will raise someone else to
do so” Anonymous

The most high God creator of all the universe who has power
to kill and make live, who have the power to change thing around is the only
God that is worthy to be honor and praise, the dead cannot praise the Lord only
a living begin like you and I, then why can’t we praise him for his wonderful
deed when we are still alive. In today Gospel Judas Iscariot said the oil that
was used to anoint Jesus foot should have been sold, all because of his love for
money, he is not happy with how Mary is honoring Jesus with the oil, all he
care for his about his self-fish interest, in what way have you be like Judas?,
not giving God the honor and praise and also not allowing other too, how have
you appreciate what God has given you, how much have you honor his presence,
let keep this in mind that we will die one day, we don’t have all days to live
in this earth (i.e. eternal) when we are alive let us honor and praise him, the
dead cannot honor or praise God, “Jesus sais you have the poor with you but you
don’t always have me”  let all that have breath praise the Lord

Prayer Point:    

Lord grant me the grace to honor you


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