Many people say that catholic worship Mary instead of God. Here is the truth if you are really willing to acknowledge

Praying the rosary has been a tradition in the Church for a long time. It’s a bit fuzzy who made it more formal; some say it was St. Dominic and others say it wasn’t. What really matters is that this prayer is super powerful.
Throughout Church history, many popes and saints have highly recommended that we pray the rosary. St. Louis de Montfort said, ‘When the Holy Rosary is said well, it gives Jesus and Mary more glory and is more meritorious than any other prayer.’
The rosary begins with the recitation of the Apostle’s Creed, an Our Father, three Hail Mary’s and a Glory Be. Then there are five decades which each begins and ends with an Our Father and Glory Be, and have ten Hail Mary’s in between. When you pray the rosary, you meditate on the events in Jesus’ life. There are the joyful, luminous, sorrowful, and glorious mysteries.
In various apparitions, Mary has appeared holding a rosary and has asked that we continue to pray this prayer. She always leads us to her Son and presents our needs before Him. Prayer is about developing our relationship with God, and loving Him more, so it makes sense to get to know Him through the events of the life of Christ that we meditate on during the rosary.
The Catechism of the Catholic Church says:
‘Meditation engages thought, imagination, emotion, and desire. This mobilization of faculties is necessary in order to deepen our convictions of faith, prompt the conversion of our heart, and strengthen our will to follow Christ. Christian prayer tries above all to meditate on the mysteries of Christ, as in lectio divina or the rosary. This form of prayerful reflection is of great value, but Christian prayer should go further to the knowledge of the love of the Lord Jesus, to union with him’ (CCC 2708).
Rosaries are not just decorations. Battles have been won because people prayed the rosary! There have been hearts converted, and impossible intentions answered too. Your life can only be blessed if you start praying the rosary.


Prayer against Sickness

Prayer against sickness click here
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March 31, 2016

First reading: ACT  3:11-26 Responsorial Psalm: PS 8:2AB,
5, 6-7, 8-9 Gospel: LK 24:35-48


“Medical doctor cannot heal but it is God that heal”

A name has been given to us “that by the mentioning of the
name of Jesus every knee must bow on heaven and earth to the glory of God the
Father” (Phili 2:10) by this name you can perform miracles and wonders, we have
no any other name than JESUS, the name that set the captive free , that
will heal those that are sick, the blind receive there sight, the jobless get
employed, the barren shall give birth and all other signs and wonder, in this
name Jesus we are victorious in all we endeavor.


Prayer Point:    

In Jesus Name, I restore I was I have lost     



March 30, 2016

First reading: ACT 3:1-10 Responsorial Psalm: PS 105:1-2,
3-4, 6-7, 8-9 Gospel: LK 24:13-35


“When you have problem people will neglect you, but God will
not” Anonymous

Even though they nail him to the cross and he die, but he
live and he is with us, he never departed from us for just a moment, he dine
with us, he speak with us, in fact he do everything with us, But you have not
recognized him just as his disciples, Jesus Christ is always with us to keep
our company but our eye has not yet been open to see him, he speak to us to
through our minds, Priests, our friends, and through nature. We pray today that
God should open our eye to see Jesus who is with us always with us and may
people see his image in us, in the way we live our lives, he never depart from
us he is with us Emanuel.

Prayer Point:    

Lord don’t depart from be, keep me like the apple of your eye.



March 29, 2016

First reading: ACT 2:36-41 Responsorial Psalm: PS 33:4-5,
18-19, 20 & 22 Gospel: JN 20:11-18


“Salvation is here be glad” Josef

In the creation of human being, God created us in his image
and likeness, to live eternally in his garden he has created for us to live
happily all the days of our lives, but Satan tempted Eve and Adam to sin
against God, and through this sin death has come to all human races, “therefore
just as sin enter the world through one man, and death through sin and in the
same way death came to all people, because all have sinned” (Roman 5:12) but
because of God love on all (see John 3:16) he want to save us, he want to
redeem us back from the sin of Adam and Eve, “no, in all these things we are
more than conquerors through him who love us. For I am sure that neither death
nor life ………will be able to separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus
our Lord” (Rom 8:37-38). A savor was given to us through Mary, which serve as a
source of our salvation for you and I, through woman sin enter the word (Eve)
followed by death, and through woman salvation was brought to all mankind
(Mary). Rejoice and be glad for we have been save by the blood shelled for you
and I on the cross, Jesus was the lamb that was slain for our iniquity, but
rejoice for he has brought salvation to us.

Prayer Point:    

Thank you Jesus, for the salvation you brought.


Why do we fast

Why do we Fast.

Explain that Lent is the 40 days before Easter in
which Catholics pray, fast, contemplate, and
engage in acts of spiritual self-discipline.
Catholics do these things because Easter, which
celebrates the Resurrection of Christ, is the
greatest holy day of the Christian year (even
above Christmas) and Catholics have recognized
that it is appropriate to prepare for such a holy
day by engaging in such disciplines.

(Archbishop Fulton Sheen noted that the
Protestant attitude is summarized by the line,
"First comes the feast, then comes the hangover,"
while the Catholic attitude is "First comes the fast,
then comes the feast.")

The reason Lent lasts 40 days is that 40 is the
traditional number of judgment and spiritual
testing in the Bible (Gn 7:4, Ex 24:18, 34:28, Nm
13:25, 14:33, Jon 3:4). Lent bears particular
relationship to the 40 days Christ spent fasting in
the desert before entering into his public ministry
(Mt 4:1-11).
Catholics imitate Christ by spending
40 days in spiritual discipline before the
celebration of Christ's triumph over sin and death.
Fasting is a biblical discipline that can be
defended from both the Old and the New
Testament. Christ expected his disciples to fast
(Mt 9:14-15) and issued instructions for how they
should do so (Mt 6:16-18). Catholics follow this
pattern by holding a partial fast on Ash
Wednesday and Good Friday.

Abstinence from certain foods is also a biblical
discipline. In Daniel 10:2-3 we read, "In those days
I, Daniel, was mourning for three weeks. I ate no
delicacies, no meat or wine entered my mouth,
nor did I anoint myself at all, for the full three
weeks." Catholics use a practice similar to
Daniel's when, as a way of commemorating
Christ's Crucifixion on a Friday, they abstain from
eating meat on that day of the week during Lent.
The only kind of flesh they eat on Friday is fish,
which is a symbol of Christ.
Even the Ash Wednesday practice of having one's
forehead signed with ashes has a biblical parallel.
Putting ashes on one's head was a common
biblical expression of mourning (1 Sm 13:19, Est
4:1, Is 61:3; see also Est 4:3, Jer 6:26, Ez 27:30,
Dn 9:3, Mt 11:21, Lk 10:13). By having the sign of
the cross made with ashes on their foreheads,
Catholics mourn Christ's suffering on the cross
and their own sins, which made that suffering


March 23, 2016

First reading: IS 50:4-9A Responsorial Psalm: PS 69:8-10,
21-22, 31, 33-34 Gospel: MT 26:14-25


“Nothing is as precious as God”

Judas was blinded with the love of money, equally the riches
of this world, how has it fool you and take away from you the love of God, when
you continue in your sin you are betraying Jesus don’t be fool with the riches
of this world all will come and go they will fade away with time, those who
fail to turn away from there sin will die in it, we should take our time to
study how God love you and I and turn away from the path of our sin for us to be
saved. Riches shall be no more, wife/husband will be no more, pleasure of this
earth will be nowhere to be find. But your good/bad work will stand tranquil.

Prayer Point:    

Lord make your love in me increase every day of my life.



March 22, 2016

First reading: IS 49:1-6 Responsorial Psalm: PS 71:1-2,
3-4A, 5AB,-6AB 15, 17Gospel: JN 13:21-33,36-38


“Nothing is as precious as God”

In the lives of a good Christian Jesus Christ is more
precious than Gold the source of our salvation, the helper of all mankind. This
holy week make us remember all the pains Jesus Christ went through on the cross
to die for you and I, he paid the price for our sin he was sinless and spotless
yet die for sinner (you and i) this is the time we should be firm and
immoveable like a rock in serving God with all our heart and might, when we
commit sin we are nailing him to the cross the second time we are betraying him
like Judas did. Today let remember the prayer of the church Divine Mercy and
pray for ourselves and of the whole world that God should be merciful to us all

Prayer Point:    

Lord be merciful to me, I renounce my sin from today and by
your grace I will not go back to my sin again

(To be continued)



March 21, 2016

First reading: IS 42:1-7 Responsorial Psalm: PS 27:1, 2,
3, 13-14 Gospel: JN 12:1-11


“When you fail to praise him he will raise someone else to
do so” Anonymous

The most high God creator of all the universe who has power
to kill and make live, who have the power to change thing around is the only
God that is worthy to be honor and praise, the dead cannot praise the Lord only
a living begin like you and I, then why can’t we praise him for his wonderful
deed when we are still alive. In today Gospel Judas Iscariot said the oil that
was used to anoint Jesus foot should have been sold, all because of his love for
money, he is not happy with how Mary is honoring Jesus with the oil, all he
care for his about his self-fish interest, in what way have you be like Judas?,
not giving God the honor and praise and also not allowing other too, how have
you appreciate what God has given you, how much have you honor his presence,
let keep this in mind that we will die one day, we don’t have all days to live
in this earth (i.e. eternal) when we are alive let us honor and praise him, the
dead cannot honor or praise God, “Jesus sais you have the poor with you but you
don’t always have me”  let all that have breath praise the Lord

Prayer Point:    

Lord grant me the grace to honor you



March 28, 2016

First reading: ACT 2:14, 22-23 Responsorial Psalm: PS
16:1-2A, 5, 7-8, 9-10, 11 Gospel: MT 28:8-15


“Nothing on earth or heaven can stop God He is unstoppable”   Anonymous

Even though he has die, he descended into hell where he take
all the power from death, death was not capable to hold him, in the history of
man the greatest that has been recorded ever is that; when somebody die and on
the third day resurrected not only resurrected but resurrected not to die no
more, today is Easter Monday he has promised to meet us in the Galilee and
where is our own Galilee?  Our heart, to celebrate the resurrection of our Lord
Jesus Christ. You should be glad for Jesus has paid the price no longer will
the true Christian die again, he has taken the power from death for us to live
and have life eternal, for us to have power over the power of darkness for us
to take our possession back that has been stole

Today is a day of joy and happiness let us be glad and
rejoice in it.

Prayer Point:    

As death was unable to stop you Lord let no one, stop my
blessing, favor and break through.